2 main problems with Norton AntiVirus 2012
I've already report this problem 2 times in this community forum... and guess what..? no solution until now... Everytime system starts from boot-up until idle... Norton folder directory always get the highest rate of I/O modified file and still running about 5 - 10 minutes, make my HDD I/O monitor raise up and I can't do anything smoothly after it's done...
Before ask me anything, I will provide any common information for you guys...
- security software in my system is only Norton AntiVirus 2012 and Comodo Firewall,
- all of my softwares include Norton and Comodo already upgraded and updated to the latest version,
- I don't need a full system scan, because I know what I'm doing for my system (do not consider me as newbie here),
- the only full system scan I performed when upgraded to Norton AntiVirus 2012,
- my system is online for almost 24 hours and always updated automatically,
- my system backed up using Macrium Reflect every 1:00 AM automatically,
- need any other information? just ask me...
here's the screenshots:
And now for the 2nd BIG problem
Is there any way to DISABLE Idle Time Scan in Norton AntiVirus 2012..?? I can't find it anywhere in Norton Settings...
Everytime I back after leave my notebook or wake up in the morning, I always saw Norton Notification which is the Idle Scan Completed. I DON'T NEED THIS..!! This will make my hardware spin up in the middle of night even I didn't use it...!!!
I can't find any options or configuration as a solution for this problem... And I get surprised, it's look like the Symantec Developer is REMOVED IT PERMANENTLY in 2012 version for good..??!!!??!?!?
Need my notebook spesification..?? Here you go...
Intel Core-i7 720QM, 2x 4GB DDR3 VenomRX, Hitachi 500GB 5400rpm, NVIDIA GT240M
Security software overview:
- Norton AntiVirus 2012 is the only antivirus installed in my system,
- Comodo Firewall is the only firewall software in my system (absolutely Windows Firewall is DISABLED),
- No bloatware installed, no crapware installed, no useless toolbar installed and I only use Firefox portable,
- Some folders like installed game directory, downloaded content folder, portable softwares folder is added to exception list,
- need anything else? just ask...
Note: sorry if my English is not great...
Great thanks if anyone can help verify my problems...