HitmanPro Alert 3 Announced



HitmanPro.Alert version 3

Version 3 introduces exploit mitigation and anti-espionage technologies

HitmanPro.Alert 3 stops exploit attacks that abuse known and unknown weaknesses in widely used software, like web browsers, plug-ins, Java and Office applications. Vulnerabilities in current or outdated software can no longer be abused to silently install unsolicited software or malware.

The exploit mitigation technologies in HitmanPro.Alert 3 focus on the attack technology that attempt to deliver malware. Without affecting normal computer use, HitmanPro.Alert automatically strengthens the security posture of applications and stops the execution of typical processor instruction sequences required for exploits to run arbitrary code.

HitmanPro.Alert keeps an eye on program execution flow, detects heap-sprays and stops attacks that e.g. redirect exception handling to run malicious code. With full support for 64-bit applications, it also blocks sophisticated return-oriented programming (ROP) attacks, which are designed to bypass DEP and ASLR memory protections.

As we like to call it: EMET on Steroids!

Also new are anti-espionage features that keeps sensitive information safe by encrypting keystrokes at the operating system kernel level. In addition, the computer user will be alerted when the webcam is (secretly) accessed for remote spying.

HitmanPro.Alert is designed for home users as well as for IT professionals, and runs on 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, as well as Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 (R2) and Windows Server 2012 (R2).

You can read the whole announcement here: