Sandro_cm wrote:
I personally love the UI of NIS, simple, modern and suitable for both experts and beginners.
BTW, I don't like the UI of ESET that I've used in the past, it appears to me to be old and obsolete, like a software created 10 years ago, I think it is a matter of taste ... Anyway.
"simple, modern and suitable for both experts and beginners." ? Please, it's design looks like a child designed it while smoking crack. It's inefficent. Options are scattered all over the place. Some tools are blatently hidden below submenu after submenu.
ESET "appears" to be old and obsolete... ok whatever. It's very clean. Options are right there, instead of scattered. Tools are not hidden and no submenu to submenu's. You have a blatent "Advanced" settings which will take you to the cleanest toolsets available to the application and everything is straightforward. Besides who gives a bark if the UI looks like it's 20 years old, is sufficient, advanced and straightforward. However, NIS, looks like this childish "METRO" bs. The ONLY thing going for NIS that I currently see is the very minimal use of memory (40mb less), but kills SYSTEM performance when it's doing a scan, unlike ESET.
Futhermore, to answer your questions:
I doubt you have a mvps hosts file, with custom identifiers added. My hosts file is roughly 1.5mb in size, even with the IP's to URLs set as they ought to be as, excluding the loopback, of course. The problem is not an "installation" or "update" issue either, it's NIS method of scanning and exlusions. If I tell the program to exclude something it ought to exclude it globally, NOT per resource.
- Did you used the proper removal tool to uninstall the previous software?
There is no such thing as a "PROPER" removal tool. There are removal tools provided by the developer to uninstall the product. Besides this is a fresh installation of Windows and I can certainly reproduce the problem on a fresh, or even OLD, version on VMware image.
- Did you have the latest version of NIS and fully updated? The latest is the v.
Latest version of NIS shouldn't matter at all. Again, you fail to understand it's a problem with NIS scanning and exclusions. Anyway, I'm using the latest version to whatever NIS provided from the internet download link and from updates. In fact, I just ran another LiveUpdate again on this version,, and it requested that I apply the update and close some applications for it to continue, all while writing this, NIS began to shut down applications WITHOUT my approval, NOR stated anything about before applying these updates NIS needs to close applications and restart your computer. It stated NOTHING of the sort, nor warned me (the consumer) that NIS needed to reboot the system in order to apply the patche(s). Luckily I was fast enough to dos pskill.
- Have you run LiveUpdate until NIS says that the product is updated and that there are not updates found.
As above.
- Have you always restarted your computer when prompted?
Really? Don't be naive.
SendOfJive wrote:
Hi bose,
Malicious entries in the Hosts file are identified by the following signature: SecurityRisk.URLRedir. Try excluding that signature from future detections. In Norton Settings, open the Computer tab to Antivirus and SONAR Exclusions. Click Configure [ + ] for Signatures to Exclude from All Detections. In the Signature Exclusions box, click Add (it may take a short time for the list to populate - be patient). Once the list is visible use the dropdown box above it and select Security Risk. Scroll down to SecurityRisk.URLRedir, highlight the entry, click Add, Apply, OK.
Did not solve the problem.
ATTACHED IMAGE: Displaying NIS hogging "SYSTEM" resources and lagging the computer. This is current, LIVE, as per writing this. This happens the minute I add/remove anything to the hosts file and save it, and nothing can be saved during the process until NIS completes the scan and unlocks the file. This is an annoyance.

Another gripe I have is while having to exclude the hosts file from NIS, the drivers/etc/ directory does NOT display within it's browser, don't for a minute blame this on Windows, it's a NIS issue. All other AV software I've tried and used don't display this issue, granted some do but not worth the time of day to even gripe about. NIS on the other hand... well, from advanced experience, is no better when it ought to be.