Surely this should be easy? I just want to backup all files on my e:\ drive. If I just select all the categories, it misses out "other file types". The only way I can see to easily include all "other file types" is to click "add a folder" and then select e:\, but now all the other files like pictures and so on are included twice.
When I create a new backup set and select e:\, it shows:
2367 pictures
480 music files
18 videos
2782 office documents
13518 emails
1 contacts
2 internet favourites
0 other files
If I then add E as a folder, nothing changes. There are still no "other file types". I have to start with another drive selected, then add E as a folder, then also select it as a source. It now shows:
4734 pictures
960 music files
36 videos
5564 office documents
27036 emails
2 contacts
4 internet favourites
3773 other files
In other words, all of them are showing twice as much except "other files".
Try to turn on Advanced Mode (it’s on the What page over the filetype selector). Then click on Other Settings, and as I know you will be able to select filetypes in it. And you can try to use the Additions and Exclusions function too.
Unfortunately that didn't really help, as it seems I would have to manually add all my "other file type" extensions to one of the other categories, which could take forever. This may just be an XP problem, as 360 works OK on my Vista laptop.
In any case, I don't think the backup feature in 360 is suitable for me as I've just realised it doesn't do incremental backups. I have over 150GB of photos and music and I don't want to do a full backup each time, so I've bought Ghost. 360 will do fine as my AV and firewall.
Well, I just found out it isn’t a specific XP problem. I’m running Vista64 and just upgraded my 360 package. I’ve created 1 backup set which saves all my personal files which seems to be working. I’ve then created a second (new) backup set which was intended to backup all the files from a specific drive, but when I tick on “other files” and add the drive as a folder the total amount of files stays at 0. Nothing is added.
As you pointed out, the files are being double counted (included under each category, and also under the E:\ blanket rule), but if you perform a backup, the files will only be backed up once.
Try it, and you will see that the correct amount of files and filespace will be used.
Surely this should be easy? I just want to backup all files on my e:\ drive. If I just select all the categories, it misses out "other file types". The only way I can see to easily include all "other file types" is to click "add a folder" and then select e:\, but now all the other files like pictures and so on are included twice.