I have meet some problems about the NIS2012, and try to dump the debug log file as steps in https://www-secure.symantec.com/norton-support/jsp/help-solutions.jsp?docid=20080507162141EN&lg=english&ct=united+states&product=home&version=1&pvid=f-home&entsrc=redirect_pubweb.
But the content in log file is always like following. Could anyone kindly help me with this issue.
Filename :LM2.dat
Error :????????n
Description :Cannot collect this file.File might not have read access or is being used by another application!!
My steps:
1) run SymNRA.exe, and check the turn on the debug log option, restart computer
2) do my operation, click finish, restart computer
3) SymNRA.exe automatically, check the turn on the debug log option (prompt restart computer again, but I am not choose restart), click OK to start generate log
4) log generated locally as shown before.