How do I disable nav 2010

How do I disable nav 2010. System restore will not work and says to disable antivirus. I tried disable auto protect but how do I disable NAV 2010 on Win 7

It is my understanding that Tamper Protection must be disables temporarily in order to do a System Restore.


Go to Settings, Miscellaneous Settings, under Product Security, turn Norton Product Tamper Protection to Off, click apply and OK.  Run the system restore and then remember to turn Tamper Protection back on.

One may not have a working Norton after a system restore. If norton icon appears then run a manual liveupdate twice.

As you have restored I would run a full system scan manually as well.


If Norton appears not to work, uninstall, run Norton Removal Tool twice, and reinstall Norton. Make sure you have full backup of Cards and Logins and follow Symantec uninstall guidelines.

If system restore does not work in normal mode even after tamper protection has been disabled in NAV, try in safe mode.

How do I disable nav 2010. System restore will not work and says to disable antivirus. I tried disable auto protect but how do I disable NAV 2010 on Win 7