How do I disable/uninstall Windows Defender in W10 Pro?

Hi there!

I noticed that since NSBU was installed on my W10 Pro computer, Windows Defender has been running along with it.

Is this normal? (I think no.) If not, please tell me how to disable or uninstall it.

Many thanks,

EN :)




Another user was seeing this yellow triangle in the Defender Security Center icon. It appears to have something to do with MS OneDrive. Even if you do not use it. See this post.


You have Defender periodic scanning turned off, so no, it is not scanning.  The WDSC does occasionally though up a mysterious yellow triangle and it is sometimes hard to tell what it is about.  You images are missing, so cannot say what WDSC is trying to tell you.

Regarding Windows Defender running, 

Could it be due to Automatic Maintenance - Windows Defender Scanning?

Just a thought. 


Hi @Earthnet,

The first three images are not showing, maybe you deleted them?

Hello, SendOfJive -

Might both be running?

Attached is the System Tray in my W10 Pro with an odd exclamation mark in a yellow triangle.

When I click on it, everything shows green...

and when I check here...


Any idea to what the problem might be? The WD tray icon was green for the longest time.

Why would WDSC even be active?

Windows SmartScreen still kicks in on occasion and some downloaded files suddenly disappear. Not NS doing.

I thought NSBU overrides all W10 internet security settings? No?

I'm a bit confused. I welcome your response and others who might have a clue.




Windows Defender the anti-malware program or Windows Defender Security Center, the security status dashboard?  The latter should be running, the former should be automatically turned off by Norton.