How do I get Ghost 15 to allow standby after backups?

How do I get Ghost 15 to allow standby after backups? 


I run Norton Virus Scan (NVS) prior to Ghost 15 backups. After Ghost 15 backups run,  my PC (Dell Precision Workstation XPProSP3) will not go into standby. In prior years this was an issue with Norton Virus Scan and NVS now provides a setting to place PC in standby.


The lack of a standby setting is painful not only for the higher electric bills but to add to the wear and tear on my PC. :smileysad:


See this post for setting up windows scheduler to wake up PC. I guess I could run NVS, let NVS put PC to standby then wake up the PC with the windows scheduler to run the backups say around 6:00 AM. 


I could not find a setting within Ghost 15 to put PC in standby after backups run. The user's guide comes up dry for "standby", "power save" and "hibernate."


A standby command in Ghost 15 would give the user more flexibility than the windows scheduler option above. 


In Norton Internet Security Virus Scan can provide a standby option I would think Ghost 15 could piggy back on this work.


A Ghost 15 Symantec employee reply would be helpful. :smileyvery-happy:


Have I missed something? Humility is only a post away. 


As always, thanks very much. 

