How do I get rid of Norton Popups

I agree, Joe.PS1.  The only solution is to walk away from Norton Lifelock.  

Will see you on the other side.

I saw this notice and had the same thought.  So Norton notifications are now used to share news stories?  If I was a user of this service and they knew this because I was storing credentials for it in a Norton vault, then it would be useful to let me know.  Otherwise, an ideal AV product should be invisible, and certainly shouldn't be using scare tactics to cross sell products when I'm already running their premium suite.  I always though the product was overly aggressive when a subscription was coming to its end but now the notifications span the entire subscription time.  Way too many notifications and cross selling pop-up ads.  I thought I was going to stick with Norton until the end of this subscription but I can't take it anymore, it's getting removed. 

Since I'm on Windows, I'm leaning towards just using Microsoft's built in Defender.  It's improved greatly over the past few years and MS is now recognized as one of the top security companies.  If you are only using Norton for antivirus, Defender is the way to go.  If you are using other Norton features like VPN, cloud storage, LifeLock and password manager, there are other services out there which specialize in these and in many cases there are good free options.  Personally, I don't trust Norton enough to use it for these type of services so I'm overpaying for what I have anyway.   

Solution:  Uninstall Norton.  If you have Windows 10, there is nothing you need to install for MS Defender, it is built into the OS and will enable itself when Norton is removed.  

More details and additional options: 
Best antivirus software for 2021 - CNET


And another pop-up (see attached PDF) trying to upsell me on more products/protection, based on the hack of a company I don't have an account with.  So every time some company reports a breach I'm now going to be harassed into spending more money, whether it affects me or not.  Norton should permit users to control these notifications.  I've said "no thanks" numerous times, but if there's a new company that reports a hack Norton feels like it's a golden opportunity to engage in additional fear mongering and push out more spam.  Why would a company try to alienate its customers with these overly aggressive tactics is beyond me.  I just saw an ad for Avast and will give them a try once my Norton subscription ends.

I do object to what I think you are listing as "Norton Task Notification." Who cares if they run something in the background? I have a fast enough system to handle the extra work load it causes. And, the notification says they are doing something in the background while my computer is idle, it is not idle. I am doing something on it. 

I have already cancelled the automatic renewal and also the search for an alternative. 

Users may submit feedback/concerns thru Norton Feedback &or Product Suggestions -


Hey bjm_,  look what just popped up on my screen just now?  Another stupid Norton notification (see attached screenshot). Why don't you try and stay on topic and address the issue, rather than acting like a shill and hijacking the thread.  You have yet to post one helpful thing on the topic at hand. So much for being a "guru".  


Yes, I saw that box, but I have never used it.  I figured that it only prompted a moderator to look at the post as a solution, not automatically tag the post. Good to know. I thought the automatic tag came from some algorithm that scans the post for keywords.


BTW, it's funny that Norton automatically tagged your post as a "Possible Solution", when your solution is to leave Norton.

there is a box above Reply message editor for users to tag "Possible Solution" 



Yes, I agree with your analysis.  The only solution is to not renew our subscriptions to Norton.  I've already cancelled my auto-renew and will try out another service.  I do not need Cloud Backup, Anti-Spam or a Password Manager, Browser Protection or any of the other worthless garbage Norton advertises.  I only require Anti-Virus, and sometimes a software Firewall, so I'm sure I can find an alternative.  Goodbye Norton.

BTW, it's funny that Norton automatically tagged your post as a "Possible Solution", when your solution is to leave Norton.

A possible solution, so far:

I have not gotten a new popup in 3 weeks.  It may be because someone from Norton read my rant and flipped some secret inhouse switch for me, but unlikely.  It surely isn't because Norton changed their policy.  If that were true, this conversation thread would have ended rather than continued.

So, this is what I did.  I left the last message they sent as unread.  That means in my taskbar notification area my Norton icon has a blue circle with the number '1' added to it.  (See attached.)  Also when I open My Norton the envelope icon in the middle section has a matching blue circle.  (Also attached.  Yours may vary depending on the launch view you've chosen.)

This is truly an imperfect and unproven long term solution, but at this point I've grown tolerant of the blue circle and will ride this out until my subscription expires (and is not renewed).  If I still cared, I should complete the experiment by marking the item as read to see what happens.  


Long term solution:

In my opinion, nearly every message, other than those relating to program failures, local virus identification & remediation, and updates, is an advertisement from Norton:

  • In Administrative Settings you can turn off:
    	<li><strong>Special Offer Notifications&nbsp;</strong>(pure ads)</li>
    	<li><strong>Norton Task Notifications&nbsp;</strong>(I value these as just Norton saying&nbsp;<em>Look at Me!)</em></li>
    	<li><strong>Norton Community Watch&nbsp;</strong>(I selfishly turn this off because I do my own research regarding programs I install and find that participation benefits Norton more than myself.)&nbsp; Note: always scan installation media before installing and don't rely on just Norton's product.</li>
    <li>What Norton controls is the rest of their&nbsp;<em>Message&nbsp;</em>system.
    	<li>I don't need Norton to tell me that some credit card or other company has been hacked.&nbsp; If it is one that I have a relationship with, I most likely already know it and can do nothing about it.&nbsp; And neither can they.&nbsp; This is truly just an indirect pitch for you to buy into their LifeLock product line.</li>
    	<li>What I find most irritating are what are currently called&nbsp;<strong><em>Service Notifications</em></strong>.&nbsp;&nbsp;
    		<li>They will say I am not using Norton Backup or some other element of their suite I've purchased.&nbsp; (And in all cases I am not using their product because it is inferior to others I use for the same purpose.)</li>
    		<li>They have told me that if I want to check if Norton is running, look for the green check mark.&nbsp; Come on.&nbsp; Give me a break!</li>
    		<li>What this reveals is:
    			<li>Norton is watching you in ways that has <u>nothing</u> to do with anti-virus protection and that is not acceptable to me.</li>
    			<li>Norton thinks it's customers are idiots.</li>
    <li>The conclusion then?&nbsp; <strong>Do not renew.&nbsp; Also, do not get yourself trapped into relying on their ancillary products such as&nbsp;<em>Cloud Backup, AntiSpam&nbsp;</em>&amp;&nbsp;<em>Password Manager.&nbsp; </em></strong>Plan ahead and find alternatives.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li>

I just cancelled my subscription renewal and will never use Norton again.  I get Norton ads on my desktop almost every day.  Norton is the worst adware i've had on my pc since the 2000's.

I've searched through every possible settings menu and couldn't find a way to disable these pop ups.

Bye Norton.  I'm accepting suggestions for a better antivirus software that doesn't spam me with ads.

Could not agree more. We pay money to have Norton as the exclusive provider of spam on our computer. Doesn’t seem right. No real solutions offered, only optics without any real help or support. They don’t remove or block all spam, only stuff that is not theirs. What a greasy racket. 

If anyone knows of a good option to use (and recommend)  instead of Norton please let me know

FWIW I turned off Special Offer Notifications about a week ago on a couple of machines, and have not seen any since then.

Was waiting to post for fear of jinxing it. Will report if they come back.

This month (October 2021) the Norton spam notifications have been out of control. I have "Special Offers" turned off, but that doesn't make a difference.  These notifications are constant and trying to upsell me on new features or scare me into using features I'm not interested in.  Here are the 5 popups from just the past 3 weeks (see attached), with no end in sight:  






These popups are now happening so frequently that they're distracting me from my work and leaving me feeling angry.

Special offer notifications are not the problem.  The ability to turn them off has been available for years.

As far as spam protection is concerned, I am not impressed with the Norton product.  Thunderbird provides a much better service in that arena. I rarely have spam.  And they aren't able to track me.

Maybe the alternative is no alternative.

I did turn off Special Offer Notifications on several machines about a week ago, and have not seen any nag popups since. But others have indicated they might come back.

N.Y. Times' Wirecutter has an antivirus recommendation: None. They say "Most people can use Windows Defender alone to keep their computers secure."

But I don't think it filters spam. So there's the choice - Norton's spam or everyone else's.

Sounds like my list for alternatives keeps getting shorter.  Thanks for sharing.

I did that and they actually stopped for a while.  But now that they call them Service Notifications, they are back.  I tried again just last week and was offered a 30 day extension of my license while they looked into finding a solution.  The catch was that I had to start all over with customer service, get an escalation approved, and as a bonus complete a survey.

This has become a game that I no longer want to play.

For personal use I will sometimes try Ad supported software, and if it serves my need I will gladly pay the requested fee to have the Ads removed.  Every time I have done this the vendor has honored their promise 100%.

If you are using NAV retail product, you are paying for an Ad-free product.  No where do they disclose otherwise.  Yet this company whose revenue for 2020 is reported at $2.49 billion (US) finds it impossible to operate with the same integrity as those other companies.