How do I go directly to the Archive Board in the new Community format

I have been able to get to the Archive by running across links to it in various posts or searches, but how do I go to it directly? It would be especially useful to be able to get to it within a topic. So for example, if I’m in the topic 360, can I get to archived 360 posts directly from there? I’m probably missing something obvious…

Also, I don’t see how to edit. That’s why I’m doing a second post. I meant to ask how I get to archived topics, preferably within a given board. And so now I’d also like to ask how to edit a post in the new format. Again, I’m probably overlooking something obvious. One thing I do like is that you added a trash-message button…useful for when something was posted in error.

Oh, regarding the trash message button, I notice it says I don’t have permission to delete it (not that I was actually going to). Is that something I would have had permission to do had I done it sooner, or had I not already posted a reply? Tbh, this is one of the more confusing forum formats I’ve seen. Reddit is much simpler and more intuitive.

Yeah…I bookmarked this earlier…but, how to find my posts and then links in those posts don’t work…so,

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and where the h e double hockey sticks is the Edit button?

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Hi @Ardmore

Edit button is now available. And Archive link is now seen in the banner. Or you can type Archive in the category drop down menu.

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Excellent. Nice to have two methods to get to the Archive. And of course the Edit option. Thanks @Gayathri_R