How do I purge my Norton 360 backup files for a machine that no longer exists?

How do I purge my Norton 360 backup files for a machine that no longer exists?


I saw somewhere that I needed Norton Online Backup, so I tried installing a 30 day trial version on my (relatively) new computer, but I still can't purge backup sets created under Norton 360.




Hi ricardo2011,


Even though the machine does no longer exist, you can still purge the data from your new machine. Make sure that you install and activated the Norton 360 under your Norton Account.


Now, under the Backup --> Click on Manage Backup Sets --> Select the 'Where' tab --> Activate the Secure Online Storage with the help of your Norton Account password.


Then you follow these steps to remove the files from your online backup created under Norton 360.


Let me know, if you have any issues.

The only purge option that I see is for the new backup set that Norton Online Backup created for my new machine.

My old backup sets created by Norton 360 don't have the purge option.

It worked.

Thank you.