Is there another way to report a suspicious web site to Norton than using the "Report Site" menu option on the Norton tool bar? I inadvertently landed on a web site which brought up a smaller window wanting me to complete a survey and win a prize. Trying to back away from the site was impossible because my browser would only respond if I clicked anywhere on the smaller window. Norton safe web showed the site as OK on the toolbar and entering the URL in the Norton Safe Web URL checker afterward showed it as safe. WOT, however, lights up red. I'm sure there must be another method to report a website like this to Norton if the Report Site option has been made inaccessible?
The computer I was using was a laptop which I keep around for experimenting, so not too concerned if it was hit by a virus. When I first had the "rogue" popup window I killed the Firefox browser using task manager. I always use this method if something happens while browsing which I'm suspicious of. Then I decided to go to the site again and see if there was any other way to kill the pop up by clicking in Firefox. Clicking anywhere in the browser outside of the popup resulted in a "bonging" sound indicating I was clicking in an "illegal" area; this included the Norton toolbar and therefore Report Site menu option.
I also tried IE8 with the same results. That's when I finally clicked in the popup and was taken to the "survey". At that point I was able to exit the browser normally.
I feel Norton should have another avenue for folks to report suspicious web sites which are capable of disabling their toolbar reporting system. They have a check URL entry box in the Safe Web area of NIS2011, why not also include a report URL entry box for requesting a re-check of a website in this area as well?
Didn't know about that reporting site but if you read the agreement it seems to say you must be reasonably certain that the site your submitting is engaged in fruadulent or phishing activity. In this case I'm not sure and really don't want to go ahead with completing the sites survey to find out! I just would like Norton to retest the site and arrive at their own conclusion as to whether it might be malicious or not.