I been using norton 3 months now... I had AVG before..
I did what you said, but still the same..
Open NSS and click on Support in the upper right hand corner. It should provide a drop-down menu - click on About. What is the version number? The latest is
Also what is the version numbe of Firefox that you are using? Open FireFox, Click on Help >About Firefox. If you are not up to date, a download will begin, it is up to you if want to clcik on the Apply Update button or not. I have FF version 7.01 installed with my NSS and everything is running smoothly.
Please post back with what you find.
Also, you said you had AVG installed prior to Norton. Have you had this problem with uploading photos/videos since you first installed Norton or has it just recently started? There is a removal tool for AVG that you can run - just in case there are remnants of it remaining. The removal tools can be foudn here: http://www.avg.com/us-en/utilities - be sure to select the correct one - either 32 bit or 64 bit dependent on your operating system.
Firefox version: 3.6.21
I already uninstalled AVG.. I don't have a problem before..just recently 2 weeks now..
Is there a reason you have not upgraded FireFox?
Also would it be possible to talk you into installing Internet Explorer - just for as long as it would take to see if the browser makes a difference. I do not see how the browser could affect it, but on never knows.
FWIW, Version is compatible with IE 9 and FF 7.0.1.
Just to double check, in message 13 you stated you followed the instructions for the uninstall/reinstall of NSS - did you in fact obtain a fresh download from the link I provided or did you use a copy of the download you had saved on your system?
I want to upgrade my firefox..I click apply downloaded update now..and restart firefox..I did it few times, but when I look at my version still 3.6.21.
I have Windows Internet Explorer 8 installed in my computer,but I don't know how to upgrade or should I get a new firefox and internet explorer?
I click the link that you gave me and followed the instructions there on how to uninstall/reinstall NSS. I did it twice actually, but still the same..
I am not a full time Fire Fox user, but I do believe you have to exit out of Fire Fox and restart it in order for the update to take effect. I have also heard that you may have to run it few times in order to get up to 7.0.1 - in other words, it may update from 3 to 4 and thenrun it agina to update to 5 etc. It appears you covered all those areas already.
IE9 will only work on Vista and Win 7, not XP - I should have asked long ago what operating system you are using?
OK. I will keep on trying to upgrade my firefox, until it becomes 7.0.1.. maybe it's the solution to my problem..
Thank you so much for helping me.. God bless you!
ineedyouiwntyou wrote:OK. I will keep on trying to upgrade my firefox, until it becomes 7.0.1.. maybe it's the solution to my problem..
Thank you so much for helping me.. God bless you!
Peanut gallery suggestion:
Just do a control panel uninstall of the current version AFTER you save any of the items that you will want to use later and download the current version and install it. My friend Murphy says that 'if it can go wrong. it will, usually at the worst possible moment'. Don't give him a chance to play with your system
Thank you guys so much for the help! I can upload pics & videos again..
I uploaded some photos of my NSS on my page..
Wha ta battle - glad you got it sorted!
Thanks for your help!