I am attempting to build a website and I need Norton to unblock port 2780 to allow my web hosting. Thanks for taking the time to reply.
Hello tballasch
Welcome to the norton forum
I have not personally tried modifying settings in Firewall. But this info might help you.
Assuming you have N360 v4, in Settings, click 'Firewall'. Navigate to 'Traffic Rules' tab. Click on 'Add'.This is the place to add the rule to allow communications on that specific port.
It asks to specify preferences like traffic direction etc and in the third (or fourth, not sure) window from there you have an option to enter the port. You could look at the 'help' page titled "Firewall rules:specify ports" for info on this.
Hope this helps
Refer to the instructions from the following Symantec KB, you need to create individual rule for the IP Address of your Web site: