How do you copy or move "allowed" and "blocked" lists of email addressed to another computer

I don't know if this is even possible, but I've got to ask since I can't be the first user of Norton Internet Security who has wanted to do this.


How do you copy the "allowed" and "blocked" lists of email addresses/domains (under Settings | Network | Message Protection | AntiSpam) from one computer to another, both using Norton Internet Security 2013? Actually, in my case, I've added a Windows 8 Pro (64-bit) partition in addition to my Windows 7 Pro partition on my computer. Surely there must be some way to take the allowed list and blocked list from the Windows 7 NIS 2013 and bring it into the Windows 8 NIS 2013. Frustratingly, I cannot find a way and I cannot find anything online about doing this.


I hoping that somebody here might know how to do this. Surely the great engineers at Norton haven't ignored this -- it seems like such a basic function for NIS to include.


Any ideas would be most welcome. :smileyhappy: Thanks.