How do you disable the "Complete Your Activation" window that annoys the hell out of me in 360 v6?

Since buying Norton 360 v6 and installing over the top of v5 which killed the 117 days I had left on the v5 account and required me to use the online chat help to get the 117 days I had credited back to my account to add to the 365 days I just bought, so it's back to 400+ days now, I keep getting an bloody annoying popup window that has no [X] close button that is titled "Complete Your Activation".   Now I know the geeks will waffle on about about if I lose my activation key blah blah blah if people are dumb enough to do that then serves themselves right. I still have the Norton Utilities for DOS on floppy disk in the yellow box with Peter Norton's mugshot on the cover... and NU Gold and NAV and NIS and 360 in other words every Norton/Symantec product that I have ever bought. If some users find having a Norton Account beneficial then fine. It does not stop piracy as when I installed v5 (on top of NIS) then v6 on top of v5, the software checked the product keys and verified it was a new user and that I already had an installation and the guy on the other end of the chat could tell from my user key that I had a valid installation so everything was resolved without Symantec knowing my e-mail address or my name or phone number etc. I've seen people suggest using a bogus e-mail address but then if you pick one that happens to be someone else's and Symantec send confidential information about my account then someone else gets it creating a major problem. My issue is not whether or not it is useful to have a Norton Account but the fact that the software does not just recommend supplying registration but it is demanding it. Somewhere outside of George Orwells book there were some laws regarding freedom and democracy which to me are completed violated when a software DEMANDS to know your e-mail address when my install is functioning properly albeit with the annoying popup so functionality is not a valid reason. Even the arrogance of Micro$not does not demand you supply them with an e-mail address. For me this is a matter of principle and those who say go with the flow are rolling over and letting a software company give it to them where it hurts.  I paid for the software, I am not letting anyone else use it, the software knows my key is valid, I know what my key is, I and only I as a free citizen should decide if I am cool with supplying my private information to a software company. Over the years since DOS I have NEVER used pirated software, I have every paid for box and floppy disk / CD-ROM / DVD and the keys that come with them. I have handed over tens of thousands of dollars to software companies over the years and never once let anyone else use it or copy nor have I ever used anyone else's software. I have never and WILL NEVER register any software. When I bought my last car the dealer tried to get my home address and phone number out of me and claimed the manufacturer needs it if there is a recall. I told them the dealer can keep tabs on that when the car is brought in for a service and if he asks me again for my mobile number the sale is off. So without giving me the sales pitch of those blindfolded by the corporate machine, does anyone know how I as a freethinking citizen of a democracy can exercise my RIGHTS and stop this annoying Complete Your Activation message popping up. Oh by the way, if you use Task Manager to kill the window it has a lovely side effect that it kills 360 outright until you reboot as I found out recently when I killed the reminder (harassment) window through Task Manager and next thing I know I have a Trojan virus from an e-mail  that I then had to use a rival freeware product (Malwarebytes) to remove because the Norton 360 I paid for with my hard earned money decided it was going to sulk about not having my e-mail address and it shutdown without any warning leaving my computer totally vulnerable on the internet and bam I got hit so much for the point in paying for AV software when it lets viruses straight through because I choose who I want to supply my details to. Thankfully I was able to keep the PC alive by the other product but how ironic the freeware product was able to save me from the damage the paid for software allowed to happen. Lucky I am not a US resident or I'd have some hotshot Yankee lawyer wanting to sue on my behalf. Meanwhile I still have this annoying Complete Your Activation window. Make no mistake I will NOT be filling it out as a matter of principle. It's my computer, I paid for the hardware and software so I and only I will choose who I handover my private details to. Feedback anyone?

Since buying Norton 360 v6 and installing over the top of v5 which killed the 117 days I had left on the v5 account and required me to use the online chat help to get the 117 days I had credited back to my account to add to the 365 days I just bought, so it's back to 400+ days now, I keep getting an bloody annoying popup window that has no [X] close button that is titled "Complete Your Activation".   Now I know the geeks will waffle on about about if I lose my activation key blah blah blah if people are dumb enough to do that then serves themselves right. I still have the Norton Utilities for DOS on floppy disk in the yellow box with Peter Norton's mugshot on the cover... and NU Gold and NAV and NIS and 360 in other words every Norton/Symantec product that I have ever bought. If some users find having a Norton Account beneficial then fine. It does not stop piracy as when I installed v5 (on top of NIS) then v6 on top of v5, the software checked the product keys and verified it was a new user and that I already had an installation and the guy on the other end of the chat could tell from my user key that I had a valid installation so everything was resolved without Symantec knowing my e-mail address or my name or phone number etc. I've seen people suggest using a bogus e-mail address but then if you pick one that happens to be someone else's and Symantec send confidential information about my account then someone else gets it creating a major problem. My issue is not whether or not it is useful to have a Norton Account but the fact that the software does not just recommend supplying registration but it is demanding it. Somewhere outside of George Orwells book there were some laws regarding freedom and democracy which to me are completed violated when a software DEMANDS to know your e-mail address when my install is functioning properly albeit with the annoying popup so functionality is not a valid reason. Even the arrogance of Micro$not does not demand you supply them with an e-mail address. For me this is a matter of principle and those who say go with the flow are rolling over and letting a software company give it to them where it hurts.  I paid for the software, I am not letting anyone else use it, the software knows my key is valid, I know what my key is, I and only I as a free citizen should decide if I am cool with supplying my private information to a software company. Over the years since DOS I have NEVER used pirated software, I have every paid for box and floppy disk / CD-ROM / DVD and the keys that come with them. I have handed over tens of thousands of dollars to software companies over the years and never once let anyone else use it or copy nor have I ever used anyone else's software. I have never and WILL NEVER register any software. When I bought my last car the dealer tried to get my home address and phone number out of me and claimed the manufacturer needs it if there is a recall. I told them the dealer can keep tabs on that when the car is brought in for a service and if he asks me again for my mobile number the sale is off. So without giving me the sales pitch of those blindfolded by the corporate machine, does anyone know how I as a freethinking citizen of a democracy can exercise my RIGHTS and stop this annoying Complete Your Activation message popping up. Oh by the way, if you use Task Manager to kill the window it has a lovely side effect that it kills 360 outright until you reboot as I found out recently when I killed the reminder (harassment) window through Task Manager and next thing I know I have a Trojan virus from an e-mail  that I then had to use a rival freeware product (Malwarebytes) to remove because the Norton 360 I paid for with my hard earned money decided it was going to sulk about not having my e-mail address and it shutdown without any warning leaving my computer totally vulnerable on the internet and bam I got hit so much for the point in paying for AV software when it lets viruses straight through because I choose who I want to supply my details to. Thankfully I was able to keep the PC alive by the other product but how ironic the freeware product was able to save me from the damage the paid for software allowed to happen. Lucky I am not a US resident or I'd have some hotshot Yankee lawyer wanting to sue on my behalf. Meanwhile I still have this annoying Complete Your Activation window. Make no mistake I will NOT be filling it out as a matter of principle. It's my computer, I paid for the hardware and software so I and only I will choose who I handover my private details to. Feedback anyone?

<< Feedback anyone? >>


What's your problem?

If you really don't want to use your email address, or get a free hotmail or gmail address to use, and if you know the consequences of not having a norton account, then just make one up.


Sorry if I misunderstood, I had a heard time trying to read it.


I could have added paragraphs but then someone would complain about the length of it!


If I use a bogus e-mail address and ANYTHING is sent from Symantec to me about my 360 subscription there is a risk someone else will get it if they happen to have that exact bogus e-mail account address... Murphy's Law waiting to strike.