I have been using NIS since 2009 and really like the IDsafe Local Vault. But due to the hoops one has to do to keep the Local Vault for the last couple years I have given up. I will NOT use the Cloud vault. I rather carry a note book. I have been looking for alternates but some of them just suck. I just bought a new Windows 8.1 Laptop and there is no sane way to get the local vault. I installed NIS and I am trying KeePass with a FF add-on called KeyFox and it seems to be working OK. I imported all my logins from NIS into KeyPass and it arranged them in folders just like they were in NIS. Only a few were misplaced but easy to cleanup. I left KeyPass open and in the options for KeyFox I just added the open database from KeyPass and when I go to a site it pulls the Login and Password from the data base and populates the field. I have about 100 Logins and non going through testing each one. I expect a few that may not work but so far the first 10 are fine. So Norton can keep their Cloud Vault and I am moving on. Licence is up in Dec and will evaluate NIS and other products as the next version of NIS should be out and hope they get it right before it is released.