I received my new 64bit Lenovo ThinkPad on Friday. NIS was preinstalled and since I had NAV on my other ThinkPad, it was a no brainer to run the NIS trial on the new one. My subscription for NAV expires in November and I figured I'd just buy a multiple PC license for NIS once the trial expired and put it on both laptops.
Well my plans have changed dramatically since Friday. Like most folks here and elsewhere, I've been all over the internet for the past two days trying to figure out how to get NIS to work properly. That is, I'm having the same problems with the slow loading on startup.
Not surprisingly, upon a full uninstall of NIS my new ThinkPad started up snappy and happy... as one would expect from a new Intel i7, 8GB RAM, 7200 RPM machine. So here's the dilemma (not necessarily mine):
1. I'm impatient when it comes to computers.
2. I don't like to wait minutes to fully boot up and safely use my computer.
3. I don't like to wait for techs/developers to decide whether the same issue(s) that many users are experiencing are real problems before seeking a solution.
4. I don't like to spend hours on end trying to identify the problem and then when it is obvious where the problem lies, at least to me and many others, to find debate about who or what is to blame.
5. More than sufficient and trustworthy alternatives abound and are only a few mouse clicks away.
In short, I've uninstalled NIS and installed a security suite from one of Norton's competitors and it's been pure bliss comparatively speaking (pun intended). I honestly have no ill-will toward Norton or their products. It's just that within this highly competitive market, impatient people like myself can mollify their impatience very quickly and with the assurance of being adequately protected.