How to Disable Norton Family Screen in Main Console

My Laptop (Win 7 x64) recently auto-upgraded to the 2014 version  ( .  When I launch the Console, the startup screen briefly displays the normal 4-icon screen but then switches to a "Family Protection" screen.


Capture 2.PNG



I looked around in the 2014 version (My Desktop's still running 2013)  and I haven't seen an option to disable this screen in the Console. 


I noticed in the "Settings" screen, it's indicating that the "Norton Family" isn't installed which I expected.  I don't have a need for that option.


Is there a way to disable this screen when I launch the Console?


I know I can close the screen at the "x" but I'm not a "mouse" guy and with the keyboard, it requires a few "tabs" to get to the "x" to close off that screen.