How to disable the autostart of Norton Safe unlock everytime I open Firefox

Hello, I use Norton 360 and the Norton Password Safe. Everytime I open my Firefox browser the Password Safe is trying to open/unlock automatically and sends a request to my Mobile Phone which I registered. I would like to disable this so I can start my browser with the Safe locked and only when I actuyll need it I want to click on the upper right yellow Norton logo in Firefox and trigger the unlock process.

I chatted with a Norton Support person who unfortunately was rather helpless. Asked to reinstall it - of course this did not help at all!

Hence my question to the community. How to configure it. A year back or so I found some information on the web and configured it like this. Now since a few days something changed and I get the annoying pop-up on my phone everytime I open the Firefox browser.

Thanks for your help!!

File Attachment: 
 Screenshot of Firefox Browser

Resend unlock request to mobile device?
    We have not received your reply. Make sure
    Make sure your network connection is active and
    push notifications are enabled, and
    try it again.

Enter the Safe password (Resend)

posting for users that pass this way

Password Vault Unlock => Edit
Password Vault Unlock =>Turn on
untick Always perform password vault unlock on browser startup
Turn On

posting for users that pass this way

Found the solution now myself (sorry, don't know how to delet the post so I write the quick answer):

-Delete the Norton Passwort Firefox Add-On

-Add the Norton Passwort Firefox Add-On

-When configuring the Mobile Device there is a checkbox asking whether to start everytime the browser opens - leave this unchecked.

For whatever reason a Norton update must have activated this...