How to find an elusive file

My Norton product keeps giving me a message that I have two Trojans on my system that can't be removed automatically.  I had a problem with Norton and my Windows Live Mail client where Norton was preventing me from downloading the emails and the only way to get them was to switch off the virus protection. Not a good idea, clearly, as the program got viruses and crashed.


The two trojans are supposedly in a recovered file. The path is c:\users\my name\appdata\local\microsoft\windows live mail\storage folders (2)\recovered items (1)\05-26-2014 2f\my ISP\file number 


It has taken a while for me to find a way to naviigate to this file, but having eventually got into the folder, the files are not there. 


The virus file names are : disp_7546434787914325.doc.exe


Can someone please tell me how to locate them, how to get rid of them, or if they are a false positive, how to get rid of the pesky message? many thanks