How to get new purchase Norton delux to work on this device

Detailed description:

Product & version number: Norton Deluxe 24.9.0

OS details:Sonoma 14.6.1

What is the error message you are seeing? Home page says subscription expired. Account shows the new Norton purchased with the new product key and says 0 of 5 devices using 4 out of 4 devices at risk download on this device - Screen shows DOWNLOAD button, I click on it. Here is what I then do and what happens: Download installer; open installer; Install Norton Deluxe; Screen shows "already installed on your Mac; updates…click and it goes through the checking then eventually - “no update found app is up to date” . Next click on HOME where same message “subscription expired” with button to click “renew subscription” which then takes you through chosing and paying for a new subscription!! and says 4 out of 5 devices used. I did not of course go through this renew process because new one is already on.
It seems part of the programme is still stuck in the old expired version even though the new one is installed and showing the new product key. SO HOW DO I ACTIVATE THE NEWLY PAID FOR AND INSTALLED subscription??

Contact Norton chat to transfer your subscription