How to know if pepflasplayer.dll was updated by chrome automaticly or by something else.

Hi i where browsing half an hour ago on a news website and then randomly norton file insight message came up and said pepflashplayer.dll

is safe.


 I know pepflashplayer is google chromes flash player and that it updates automaticly but the anoying thing is that i cant see in the file insight description where the file was downloaded from and it only has 5 users.


I am a bit suspicous of the file since the website i visited is a news site and it has been known for exploits before.

Norton safe search said it was ok though so i tought id give it a chance.


So the file (pepflashplayer.dll/version that was downloaded can only be found in its folder when i press the file insights find function with in the file insight program.


But when i try to find it manualy in the explorer like the folder directions shows it after pressing the track/find function,

C:\Users\Carina\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\PepperFlash\


it takes stop after C:\User\Carina this means after Carina i cant find any folder called AppData OR Local, manualy wich i find very strange if its the file pathway it has.


I Did how ever find it when i search Local in the Explorer and the map shows up but then again it says Local is under C:\Users\Carina\AppData wich is a pathway that cant be found manualy.


And this got me thinking isn't it supose to be under Program x86 ? so i went C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\PepperFlash 


and there where two pepflashplayer.dll one version and the other one


*But not* the version that just got downloaded and is signed under

 C:\Users\Carina\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\PepperFlash.


So i guess what i am asking is why is the pepflashplayer.dll version that just got downloaded in a new folder on its own and not with the older versions in x86 ?


 it says its downloaded from unkown source in file insight description aswell, wich makes me even more worried not knowing if its from google chrome or not. 


Cheers Krister.