Hi, As my child has lost his iPhone 4, I wish to know how I can lock this iPhone 4? Thanks. Alan
Hi xcuteanck
Welcome to the Norton Community.
Sadly if you have Norton Mobile Security (NMS) installed on your childs iPhone all
you can use NMS for is to locate the lost device.
This is done by going to the NMS web based Control Panel and logging in with your
Norton Account details and then you can locate the device if it is still switched on.
Just click on the link below for the NMS web Control Panel -
Otherwise if the iPhone has a great app installed on it from the Apple team called
Find My Phone then using another Apple device you can lock and locate the iPhone.
For more info on the Find My Phone app click on the link below -
Hopefully your child installed it and you can use it to recover and lock the lost iPhone. :)
I hope that info helps and good luck.