(1) I'm reasonably close to buying a new laptop, with Win10. How do I move copies of my files to it from my current Win7 PC? Is it relatively idiot-proof?
(2) In one of my early threads on WIn10 I asked if the cloud-based version of MS 365 Home was better than the boxed sets. No-one answered that and I now think I may have boobed (a technical term )
If I might explain, at the beginning of this year I looked at replacing my Word & Excel 2010 with the latest, which was 2013 in MS 365 Home. This was boxed & so would have to be installed by me the old way (unless I bought a laptop with a pre-installed MS 365) - there was a one-off cost of around £113.
The alternative I found at the time was 365 Home, with an annual/monthly subscription. I'm sure that I read at the time that this would be cloud-based and installed over the internet. Also, because it was cloud-based there would be no more monthly Updates from Microsoft - instead, all security updates from MS would be done by them and my software updated as and when necessary. Did I get it wrong?