How to post an avatar (personal image) on the new forums.
An “avatar” is an image associated with your personality in the forums. It automatically appears alongside all your posts. The default avatar is a rather uninspiring gray head and shoulders.
Many of you will have had an avatar transfer from the old Lithium forums (it may not display well on the new ones). This note tells you how you can choose/change your own image.
You can only have one avatar at any time. If you change it then the image on all previous posts will change as well.
First go to your account (the “Account” button at the top right of the screen) and select the “Edit” tab.
Scroll down, and just below the space to change your password, you will find a box entitled “Picture”. It will either show a default avatar...
Or your existing one if you have one.
In this box is a “Choose file” button, click on it and select the image you wish to upload from your own computer (.jpg and .png files seem to work but .gif files seem to produce uncertain results).
Note that the image will be limited to at most 268x136 pixels, so any large image files will be filtered down and detail will be lost. For Windows users MS Paint has a resize option that allows you to set pixel sizes and can help you ensure that the image posted is what you want.
Once you have chosen the image (by double clicking or selecting and then choosing “open”), the file name will appear on the right of the “Choose File” button and this file will be inserted as your avatar when you next click on the “Save”button at the bottom of the “Edit” page.
If you already have an avatar but wish to change it, then the process is the same. Just "choose" the new image before selecting the “Save” button. If you just want to get rid of any personal avatar, check the "Delete Picture" box below the image of your current avatar and then select the "Save" button, and you will be back to the gray head and shoulders.