I went to the website and tried to follow the instructions, step by step, but the instructions don't match with what I see on my PC. For example:
How do I set my DNS settings on Windows?
- Open the Control Panel from your Start menu.
- Click Network Connections and choose your current connection. (there is not Netowk Connections, only Nerwork and sharing)
- On the General tab of the Connection Status screen, click Properties. (There is not such tab)
- On the General tab of Connection Properties, scroll down and select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), then click Properties. (There is no such tab)
- On the General tab of Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties, select Use the following DNS server addresses, then enter the two Norton ConnectSafe IP addresses for the content filtering policy you would like to use (There is not such tab)
Can someone post updated accurate instructions on how to set this up?