HP Support Assistant Blocked n360 Vers update

 Firewall issues caused by the n360 Vers update, I have come across some more issues.

At least four if not more parts of HP Support Assistant are being blocked. No user will even know this is happening, but Norton does now. They can be manually unblocked, but that is not the point here. These should not be blocked! None of these programs are newer than June 30, 2015 and they all have digital signatures. Norton get your databases up-to-date please.

Category: Firewall - Activities
Date & Time,Risk,Activity,Status,Recommended Action,Program Name,Program Path,Default Action,Action Taken,Local 

Computer,Traffic Description
7/14/2015 2:30:25 PM,Info,You blocked HPSAObjUtil7 from accessing your network resources.,Blocked,No Action 

Required,HPSAObjUtil7,C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\HP Health Check\ActiveCheck\product_line\HPSAObjUtil7.exe,No 

Action Required,Block,", 54831","Outbound TCP, www-http"
You blocked <b>HPSAObjUtil7</b> from accessing your network resources. To allow <b>HPSAObjUtil7</b> to access your network 

resources, in the <b>Actions</b> panel, click <b>Allow</b> if applicable. 

Category: Firewall - Activities
Date & Time,Risk,Activity,Status,Recommended Action,Program Name,Program Path,Default Action,Action Taken,Local 

Computer,Traffic Description
7/14/2015 2:17:27 PM,Info,You blocked HP Support Assistant Service from accessing your network resources.,Blocked,No Action 

Required,HP Support Assistant Service,C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\HP Support Framework\HPSA_Service.exe,No Action 

Required,Block,", 54538","Outbound TCP, www-http"
You blocked <b>HP Support Assistant Service</b> from accessing your network resources. To allow <b>HP Support Assistant 

Service</b> to access your network resources, in the <b>Actions</b> panel, click <b>Allow</b> if applicable. 

Category: Firewall - Activities
Date & Time,Risk,Activity,Status,Recommended Action,Program Name,Program Path,Default Action,Action Taken,Local 

Computer,Traffic Description
7/14/2015 2:18:41 PM,Info,You blocked ProductConfig from accessing your network resources.,Blocked,No Action 

Required,ProductConfig,C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\HP Support Framework\Resources\ProductConfig.exe,No Action 

Required,Block,", 54557","Outbound TCP, www-http"
You blocked <b>ProductConfig</b> from accessing your network resources. To allow <b>ProductConfig</b> to access your network 

resources, in the <b>Actions</b> panel, click <b>Allow</b> if applicable. 

Category: Firewall - Activities
Date & Time,Risk,Activity,Status,Recommended Action,Program Name,Program Path,Default Action,Action Taken,Local 

Computer,Traffic Description
7/14/2015 2:18:45 PM,Info,You blocked HPResources from accessing your network resources.,Blocked,No Action 

Required,HPResources,C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\HP Support Framework\Resources\HPResources.exe,No Action 

Required,Block,", 54558","Outbound TCP, www-http"
You blocked <b>HPResources</b> from accessing your network resources. To allow <b>HPResources</b> to access your network 

resources, in the <b>Actions</b> panel, click <b>Allow</b> if applicable. 
