I receive an error message:
Windows cannot connect to the internet using HTTP, HTTPS or FTP. This is a problem caused by firewall settings on your computer. Check the firewall settings for the HTTP port (80), HTTPS port (443) and FTP port (21)
I tried to disable the Norton Firewall and just use the Windows firewall but I receive the same error message.
Can anyone help me with this issue?
Visit Windows's Control Panel , then Add or Remove programs (if you use Windows XP)
or Programs and features (if you use Windows Vista and 7)
Find your Norton program and uninstall it . Reboot .
Try to use/connect to the Internet and report back your findings.
Post a log file from HijackThis to provide some more information about your system.
1. When the download has finished , right click the file and rename it to something random like Baloon.exe
2. Run the renamed HijackThis as Administrator
3. Press the button "Do a system scan and save a logfile"
4. In a few seconds a pop-up from Notepad will appear . Please , save this log file and use the attachment option of the forum to post it in your next reply.
What program showed you a message that Windows couldn't connect to the Internet ?
What version did you download and what was the source of your download?
OK...I uninstalled the program, however it is giving me the same error after I rebooted and tried to get online? Thanks
2011 version.....purchased the software from Walmart Thanks
Right so the error message does not come from NIS and therefore perhaps you are infected before you installed.
What is your operating system.
Yes I think I was infected prior to downloading Norton. I had AVG but evidently it was not doing it's job. I uninstalled the Norton and reset my internet settings back to the original. I then reloaded Norton and am up and running now. I am using the Norton Firewall. Anyway...thanks for your help!
Do you still get the error message ?
Just to add, did you remove AVG properly with the correct tools for your system? AVG REMOVAL TOOLS: http://www.avg.com/us-en/download-tools