Hi guys,i hope that some one like knowledgable Tony Weiss can tell me if the Norton internet security default seach bar can be installed on my windows 7 32 bit internet explorer page.
I had the free 360 30 day trial and it installed the toolbar and as well as the deault search bar,but i couldnt pay the down priced chance and reverted back to the basic internet explorer and having trouble installing it again on internet explorer 10.
Hi guys,i hope that some one like knowledgable Tony Weiss can tell me if the Norton internet security default seach bar can be installed on my windows 7 32 bit internet explorer page.
I had the free 360 30 day trial and it installed the toolbar and as well as the deault search bar,but i couldnt pay the down priced chance and reverted back to the basic internet explorer and having trouble installing it again on internet explorer 10.
Norton 360 has its own Forum here so I've asked for your message to be moved over there or better exposure. You won't lose sight of it because a link will be left here.
Please give the information about the version you have. Click on Support / About
Hi guys,i hope that some one like knowledgable Tony Weiss can tell me if the Norton internet security default seach bar can be installed on my windows 7 32 bit internet explorer page.
I had the free 360 30 day trial and it installed the toolbar and as well as the deault search bar,but i couldnt pay the down priced chance and reverted back to the basic internet explorer and having trouble installing it again on internet explorer 10.
I believe what you need is a setting in IE10 that keeps the browser in 32 bit mode. If IE is in 64 bit mode, the toolbar will not display.
I do not use IE, so I am sure someone will pick this up where I left off.
What version of Windows itself are you using? I presume 64 bit since that is most common on computers unless you build or specify otherwise.
I don't know if it changed with IE 10 .... but 32 bit used to be the default in 64 bit Windows and you have to change that to get the native 64 bit browser.
But there's little point in doing that so far as I've heard with the present "state of the art" and so if you did manually choose the IE 64 bit as default then I'd go back to what Microsoft does and and use the 32 bit version.
From the Menu Bar in IE 10, select Tools > Internet options > Advanced tag, scroll down to Security and uncheck Enable Enhancd Protected Mode. Remember to restart IE 10 for it to take effect.
Hi guys,i hope that some one like knowledgable Tony Weiss can tell me if the Norton internet security default seach bar can be installed on my windows 7 32 bit internet explorer page.
I had the free 360 30 day trial and it installed the toolbar and as well as the deault search bar,but i couldnt pay the down priced chance and reverted back to the basic internet explorer and having trouble installing it again on internet explorer 10.
Norton 360 has its own Forum here so I've asked for your message to be moved over there or better exposure. You won't lose sight of it because a link will be left here.
Please give the information about the version you have. Click on Support / About
Hi guys,i hope that some one like knowledgable Tony Weiss can tell me if the Norton internet security default seach bar can be installed on my windows 7 32 bit internet explorer page.
I had the free 360 30 day trial and it installed the toolbar and as well as the deault search bar,but i couldnt pay the down priced chance and reverted back to the basic internet explorer and having trouble installing it again on internet explorer 10.
I believe what you need is a setting in IE10 that keeps the browser in 32 bit mode. If IE is in 64 bit mode, the toolbar will not display.
I do not use IE, so I am sure someone will pick this up where I left off.
What version of Windows itself are you using? I presume 64 bit since that is most common on computers unless you build or specify otherwise.
I don't know if it changed with IE 10 .... but 32 bit used to be the default in 64 bit Windows and you have to change that to get the native 64 bit browser.
But there's little point in doing that so far as I've heard with the present "state of the art" and so if you did manually choose the IE 64 bit as default then I'd go back to what Microsoft does and and use the 32 bit version.
From the Menu Bar in IE 10, select Tools > Internet options > Advanced tag, scroll down to Security and uncheck Enable Enhancd Protected Mode. Remember to restart IE 10 for it to take effect.