I appear to have 2 subscriptions running

With 45 days to go on my existing subscription, I purchased today another year. I now have the first sub showing an expiry of Sep 3, 2012 and a second marked 'not activated'.


 In my Norton account I have days to run of 366! (should be 411)


 Can someone help me resolve this as in due course I shall need to update on a second computer. Normally, I find the Norton procedure seamless but not this time.


Incidentally, I have uninstalled and reinstalled in line with an FAQ on the main helppages.


Thanks David

bof1947 wrote:

With 45 days to go on my existing subscription, I purchased today another year. I now have the first sub showing an expiry of Sep 3, 2012 and a second marked 'not activated'.


 In my Norton account I have days to run of 366! (should be 411)


 Can someone help me resolve this as in due course I shall need to update on a second computer. Normally, I find the Norton procedure seamless but not this time.


Incidentally, I have uninstalled and reinstalled in line with an FAQ on the main helppages.


Thanks David

On the machine that shows Sep3 2012 click on Support / Subscriptions Status and see if that changes anything.


How did you purchase another year? Did you do this online with Norton by Renewing or did your Purchase a new product from them or did you buy a product retail in order to use a key?


It sounds as if your MyNortonAccount is showing your existing subscription and a new one not yet activated.


If you did your purchase online with Norton then your best way is to contact Norton OnLine Customer Support via the CHAT route as below -- it uses your computer keyboard, not the phone -- since they have the tools to sort things out.


To contact customer support Click on this link https://www.norton.com/chat  and work on from there.

But if you dealt with other than Norton please give us the details and we can probably help you.

Please let us know how you get on ....

It appears from the 366 days remaining that you entered the new key from your recent purchase. Doing this will lose your remaining 45 days.


As Hugh mentioned, you should contact Support via online chat, and ask them to combine your 2 activations. This has apparently been done many times in the past.



Thanks Hugh


Rhian on the Chat line was most helpful

Thank you too.  The accounts have now been combined but a pity Norton's pricing policy makes it cheaper to buy again rather than renew!!!

bof1947 wrote:

Thank you too.  The accounts have now been combined but a pity Norton's pricing policy makes it cheaper to buy again rather than renew!!!


Welcome to the wonderful world of marketing. If Norton were to sell direct for less than their distribution partners, how long would they have partners? Norton has no problem with the way you purchase a subscription - renew or buy new. They just want you to continue using the product. I suspect that most of the long time volunteers here have suggested that a user shop for the best possible price when it comes time to renew. It is the only reasonable to do things.

Stay well and surf safe

Glad you got it sorted out ... by the Irish team that covers the UK?  <g>


If you buy a product to save money on the renewal, the easiest way is to wait until a couple of days before the subscription expires on the old installation and then click on Renew and Have existing KEY and insert the KEY from the product you bought. You lose a couple of days but that's a safety belt in case anything goes wrong since everything stops dead when the subscription expires.


You don't have to install from the media of the product you bought.


The Keys don't expire unless you start to use them and they are valid on later upgrades so if you stockpiled a 2012 Key now you could use it next year when your 2012 upgraded free to 2013 runs out ....