I can only do a smart scan on my Norton 360 on my Windows 10 laptop

Downloaded Norton 360 onto another laptop. just discovered can only do a smart scan and Norton not mentioned when i go into security in windows . I am using windows 10. Microsoft only allows edge to be used as a browser so have to go vis microsoft store to proceed. I upgraded to 10 appliances and a different name came up I think. I am concerned if I have to uninstall and reinstall it will  not longer recognise my key? When I hit  Norton Scan I just get Norton Safeweb. On security it just says this is a secure VPN. Any advice please? I wanted to talk to an agent & went onto that page but only got a bot that is not programmed to deal with these issues. Any advice on contacting an agent successfully would also be welcomed I am in the UK. 

[Edit: Calrified the subject]

Can you verify your Windows version? 

 If you have Window in S Mode, you cannot install the regular Norton 360. You need to install Norton UWP app from the Windows store. See this Norton Product Announcement.   https://community.norton.com/en/blogs/product-service-announcements/nort...


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