I can't get through to support to help with an error message

I can't get through to support. All I get hour after hour is, We are experiencing higher than usual service times. Please wait and an analyst will be with you shortly." After three hours, of this, I give up. I have tried this twice to no effect.

Give customer service Chat a try.  It is usually much faster.  At least you can keep working while you wait for a response.



If the error message is technical why not post it here with details of your system -- very liikely you will get an answer here and quickly.


To get you the best advice, would you give us some more information about your system:

What version of Windows are you using including Service Packs and whether 32 bit or 64 bit as well as the Name and Version ID of the Norton product that you are using -- Help / About is where that is, in the format of nn.nn.nn.nnn

If you have the COMCAST version of Norton 360 / Security Suite and not the normal commercial version please be sure to tell us.

If you get any error messages please give the exact wording of them as well as any other background that could be helpful.


Please start a new thread on this in the Forum that matches your product since this one is for problems with the Forums themselves and not the products.

I have attempted to reach support too many times to mention, I don't believe there is one, they count on our being able to solve the problem ourselves.  My problem is I have 3 computers.  This spring I purchased Norton 360 for 3 PCs.  When I attempted to download to computer # 2 I had to use my credit card and later realized I was charged.  Today I had to install Norton into computer #3 and again I had to use a credit card and if I can't resolve this I suspect I will be charged again.  I'm sure if this has happened to me it will have happened to thousands.  Does anyone know how I might deal with this lack of support from Symantec.

Hello wyomingzephr


You must have downloaded the trial version of N360. All you had to do was to enter in your key. You should have come to the Forum sooner and we could have given you the link for the program and then all you would have had to do was to install it and enter in your key.


Have you tried the free chat program which is supposed to be faster than phone calls or emails.?



This is the link for US/Can. If you need a different location, please consult your local Symantec site for the local free chat customer support link.


Here is a link for refunds




Please come back and let us know how you made out. Thanks

Hello delphinium:

I have tried Chat. I stay on for several hours and get no reply. I am beginning to wonder if there is any support out there. They have my Email and phone number and never make any attempt to contact me. 

What message appear in the chat screen? If it says waiting for agent, you are so and so in the queue, it means the Norton support center is extremely busy and client is waiting in queue for the next support agent. Another option is to try telephone support.



You may just have to be patient since when I just tried out the links to Customer Support earlier today in order to check which one was for refunds I got a screen that said the system was busy and to try later.


Usually CHAT is reasonably quick; email a few days (they say 48 hours on the link) and telephone can apparently take hours.


You may want to advise your credit card company of the duplication and raise a "dispute" with them so that they put the payment on hold but I'm sure that Symantec will resolve it.

Thankyou super worm, now why doesn't symantec make themselves this available.  I appreciate the info.

This why they developed the forum.  :smileywink:

wyomingzephyr wrote:

Thankyou super worm, now why doesn't symantec make themselves this available.  I appreciate the info.

They do! This is Symanatec/Norton here <s> Just a different route to help for their products.


I don't know why you had that trouble because it is definitely not the experience of other users who have reported back in the past. Not that it is your fault in anyway -- just the luck of the draw, AKA Murphy's Law ......