there are ways to get back to the old version if you like you can download the old if you whant to i can get a link to it do you whant to go back but remember you possible get on the new soon after the old agian if you do not disable thing like live update becures you got send the new version but that is only a maybe i dont now if you has to
so maybe it is a good thing to now the new version more and like it you is going to live whit is like it ore not ore maybe install a other antivirus to the next version is comming but if i whas you take the time to now i better it is not that bad just many cant handel when thing change are new and dont whant to now it better i hope soon to get it becurse it is like the norton utlities so i now possible all aboute it there are possible 3 reasen it is comming 1 it has the same code to all there produckts 2 the virus software scan they paid lices before now it is in house no licens 3 it is easyer to work white and now it dont open evry time you scan in a new windows like the old did and that hate many it is easyer to work whit like the avg antivius and other now it is on ore off much easyer to use to many