Recently I was invited to join a social networking site. I joined to do some investigative "snooping". My family has many teens and we really love your Norton Family Security.
I have discovered a potentially risky site in that the site wants cell phone numbers and charges for blog notifications to be sent to cell phones, but it is not exactly clear on that when it asks for cell numbers. Basically you can sign up for blog updates to come to your cell and they pay the blogger a percentage of the fees involved, so I think this could be potentially malicious. Further the site allows IM's with graphic content on my snooping persona and I was literally innundated with ims from strangers saying anything they wanted.
I am very happy I found this site as it rss feeds to facebook pages, and I think this site has very dangerous potential. I am hoping that by posting it here you will consider this site as a worthy addition to your awesome Norton Family Security safety monitoring. The site is . I certainly hope to hear some feedback from anyone else who knows of this site.
By the way I was quite happy the you included a Mac version of Norton Family Security, as many of our teens use a Mac.
Ann B.
[edit: Please do not post links to dangerous websites per the Participation Guidelines and Terms of Service.]
Message Edited by shannons on 08-07-2009 08:23 AM
Recently I was invited to join a social networking site. I joined to do some investigative "snooping". My family has many teens and we really love your Norton Family Security.
I have discovered a potentially risky site in that the site wants cell phone numbers and charges for blog notifications to be sent to cell phones, but it is not exactly clear on that when it asks for cell numbers. Basically you can sign up for blog updates to come to your cell and they pay the blogger a percentage of the fees involved, so I think this could be potentially malicious. Further the site allows IM's with graphic content on my snooping persona and I was literally innundated with ims from strangers saying anything they wanted.
I am very happy I found this site as it rss feeds to facebook pages, and I think this site has very dangerous potential. I am hoping that by posting it here you will consider this site as a worthy addition to your awesome Norton Family Security safety monitoring. The site is . I certainly hope to hear some feedback from anyone else who knows of this site.
By the way I was quite happy the you included a Mac version of Norton Family Security, as many of our teens use a Mac.
Ann B.
[edit: Please do not post links to dangerous websites per the Participation Guidelines and Terms of Service.]
Message Edited by shannons on 08-07-2009 08:23 AM
Fanbox is not a social network site per se, it's more of a virtual desktop, which special apps which have been written to monetize the site and it's users.
There are a variety of facebook applications that can pull RSS feeds to your facebook page, and fanbox is probably not the ideal solution for that.
Thank you for pointing out the risks associated with the community connections associated with fanbox. I would not be surprised if it were to get several classifications, including 'discussion and social interaction' .
Message Edited by andrew_d on 08-07-2009 03:35 PM