Got Ghost 14.0 a week or so ago and all worked fine for the first few days.
Then it wouldn’t do the file backups, just the disk backups. Got catalog.dat workaround and that seemed to help.
Now, however, it won’t back up my C drive; instead it generates the message below:
-Error E0BB0061: Win32/Win64 API [WindowsComputer::MakeSnapVolumeWriteable] DeviceIoControl( FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME, \?\SymantecSnapshot0 ) failed.
–Error EBAB03F1: Access is denied.
I am using a Dell Inspiron 530 and the C drive is partitition with a small D drive for restoring the machine to factory fresh. I have changed the settings on my big external USB drive to full permissions and all the other backups are written to this ED no problems.
Is there a fix for this? VISA hasn’t even yet posted the purchase price and I really REALLY feel hard done by.
– Joel
[edit: Enlarged font for veiwing.]