I just purchased Norton Utilities Ultime and it doesn't work

I just purchased this product. It installed fine, scanned the PC and shows a lot of data to clean, broken registry keys etc. All the clean now buttons don’t work, they have a lock on them. At the top of the screen it says unlock all features. When I click on that it doesn’t do anything. How do I fix this?

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and Norton Utilities Ultimate subscription is activated?

maybe, you need to Sign In at Norton Utilities Ultimate?

Download and install Norton Utilities Ultimate [here]

And if you think it is to stupid produck then take it easy there is comming a 24.3 soon and then it is not a stupid produckt more and it is comming this year and they say it is a 23.3 update and the 23.3 whas a big update and there is 6 major bugs in the norton utilities if you whant to now how to work around them say so right now it is only good to clean but when the 24 serie is done and the 25.1 is comming it is like the old Norton Utilities no more lame updates i get info aboute th 24.3 but under nda so i can only say good ore bad update fron 1 to 10 that is it

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Got it working. uninstall and reinstall eventually got it going

No idea what you are trying to say there bud. Best advice to give you is to probably stay away from English pages

There is comming a update soon the 24.3 there has many new thing in it nothing more and that did the old 23.3 also has nothing more hope that helps i just dont now how big a update it is going to be nothing more but if i whas you try to look up the old 23.3 and see what came in that update

i just now the update is meant to be big nothing more i get the patch note in the weekend i cant say what is comming nda bud i can say good bad ect so i say 1 to 10 bud i think it is going to be a 7+ update if my intel is good lots of bugfix and som nice thing i send som info of what is that ok to you

do you has it activatet and remember to reinstall it when the 24.3 is comming the patch is the biggest ever even if it is name 24.3 it is a strenge patch it is only build to fix bugs and possible add 6-8 new thing in the produckt and a big has normal 5 new thing in it if whee is lucky so it is not a small patch that is why i call it big major ore big big and they also has to make a im sorry so maybe only 4 thing but if it is super thing it is also nice it is not how many thing there is comming it is also what they is add ther can make it a good patch