Can I add my new computer to my existing Norton account at no additional cost?
Can I add my new computer to my existing Norton account at no additional cost?
As indicated it depends on what version of Norton you bought. There are some 1 PC version but the most common is 3 PC.
Do be very careful with your new PC -- most come with a free trial installation of a security program, sometimes but not always Norton and unless you are installing exactly the same program you need not only to uninstall the trial but in most cases run a special clean up tool you can download from the website for the program.
So please let us know what is installed on your new PC before you try to install Norton on it and we can point you in the right direction.
If you are planning to install on your new PC from the disk you used for your existing computer let us know which of the 3 Nortons it is and the version ID which you can find by clicking on Support / About where it is in the format nn.nn.nn.nnn where n is as number.
Are you using the Identity Safe and do you want to continue to use it on your new PC?