..."How to report false positives", or by drilling down into the "How to troubleshoot a suspected Malware infection" page...where to submit malware samples.
But where and how do I submit a website link that contains an internal link that downloads the Windows iLivid / browser hijacker: searchnu.+++/406 / DataMngr 1.0 Firefox Addon extension, etc. boatload of malware....when Norton shows a green OK box over that website indicating it is safe, while it contains a deceptive link that downloads malware instead of a repair tool?
I cleaned up the mess, but Norton is/was wrong when their icon(s) indicate it is/was a safe web page.
I apologize if I missed a Symantec/Norton link for privately submitting such a problem, but if there is a place to do that, please aim me in the right direction. Thanks.