I installed NIS 2010 about a week ago and since then, I appear to have 2 issues.
1. If I walk away from my pc while I'm on the online with Internet Explorer open, and come back about 20 - 30 minutes, I find that Internet Explorer has closed. The same if I leave my Outlook Express page open, come back and it's all frozen. Have to turn off the pc manually and restart.
I'm sure this is something to do with the 2010 version.
2. The other infuriating thing is my log-ins. My old NIS 2009 was fine. But this one is driving me nuts. Every day, when I go to various sites, it won't log-in. I have to open Norton and go to "Manage Logons", type in my password, then everythings fine, the web page I was on now has a green logon.
I've ticked the box that says "auto-fill when I visit this page" and enable log-in to be auto-submitted". I have no idea how I can get it to log-in every day without going into my password.
Anyone got any ideas maybe.