I want to uninstall norton completely

However, I have Malware apparently.. Can I still uninstall? because I want to use a different antivirus program.






I'm sorry, but even though I had a somewhat good run with Norton, I need to move on..

Hi, flower_lady. If you wish to uninstall your Norton product you should use the Norton Removal Tool, which will remove all Norton products. Just follow the instructions.




If you need further help, we'll be here. Just be aware that no one product can guarantee 100% protection.



I haven't uninistalled yet. I got Malware and the links that I was given before isn't helping me with info. I am getting annoyed. I need help.






The malware isn't really doing anything..

Ok, lets try this. Did you update to the latest version yet via the Update Center ?

I haven't yet.

Ok. I suggest you do that as I mentioned in your other thread. Right click on your tray icon, and select Check for new version.


That will take you to the Update Center, and you can download a fresh copy.


What we want to do is start with an uncorrupted version, then go from there.


Just follow the instructions and after the install, run Live Update until no more are found.


Reboot if required, and run a full scan. Let us know how you go.

I wouldn't recommend upgrading to a newer version or removing Norton and replacing it with something else until you first remove the malware.  Malware can cause all sorts of problems when you try to install an antivirus program on a machine that is already infected.  I would advise making no changes to the machine, and that you visit one of the malware removal sites suggested by Apostolos in your other thread:



Okay, but which link do you recommend using? which of did you have good luck in? (if you used them)

Delphinium has posted an excellent guide to the diffferent forums here:



Thank you. I'm trying Geekstogo.


What about Malwarebytes?

Hi, flower_lady. We recommend running MalwareBytes Free edition as a back up scanner, as it's good at finding other types of malware.



But won't remove the ones caused by Norton fix it? Oh well I guess..

It may well, since we don't know exactly what sort of malware you have. If you didn't click on any links, then you might be ok.


Try a scan with MBytes, anyway.

Do click fix or scan or both?

If you run a MalwareBytes Scan and it finds anything, it will quarantine it.


Run the Threat Scan to start with. It may take some time.


Just be aware that if you're already working with one of the malware removal sites that you shouldn't do anything on your own, that may cause them to stop helping you.


They work to specific rules.

My computer restarted. Is that a part of the process of Malwarebytes?

Yes. When you first install MBytes it will reboot your computer, to finish the install.

Oh thank god. That scared me. Anyway, I like Malwarebytes.




I will like to thank you:)

You're welcome. Once your computer is clean, I'd suggest running the scan with the rootkit scan unchecked in settings.


It will make the scan much quicker.