I wish to reduce the number of licences - i.e. reduced cover from Premium to standard

I am endeavouring to reduce from a Norton 360 Premium account to one that only covers three licences.
As far as I can see, the only way to do this is to close my current, Premium account and to open a new standard account - how totally counter productive is that.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You are saying what I am thinking. I have cancelled my automatic renewal and will buy back in when my contract expires in a month or six weeks. It just irked me that it wasn't immediately possible just to log-on, select/modify your choice of contract and be done with it.
So, you and I are thinking along the same lines.

You are welcome.

How much time do you have remaining on your Premium subscription? If you are getting close to expiry, you could just let this subscription run out and then purchase your 3 device or 5 device license, depending on what market you are in, and use that going forward. You do not need to close any accounts to do this. You would just use the same account for the new subscription.


Thank you for your input peterweb. I have tried that option but after struggling to touch base I chose the easy way out. Which is a pity as I have been a Norton customer for several years and feel protected. However, despite numerous attempts over the passed year no one at Norton has deemed the problem important enough to respond.
Once again, thank you; have a GREAT day.

You can try contacting Norton Support and asking them to do this for you. Be sure you ask if they can give you some compensation, ie extra time, to cover the price difference between the two subscription levels. Although any such compensation would depend on how much time you have left on your Premium subscription.     www.norton.com/contactcs