When you post a question on a board in the forum, which do you perfer? Please feel free to write your own responses, these are just intended to get you thinking.
- A very fast answer by someone who had a lot of posts to their credit because they reply to all the boards and have a little bit of knowledge on all the boards.
- A slower response, which ask questions to make sure the responder knows exactly what is going on with your system and then supplies a response as a possible solution?
- A raipd response that has many links in it with legit info for you to read, but may or may not apply to your situation or supply an answer?
- A slower response that you can tell has been well thought out, well researched and the responder has taken the time to try to understand exactly what you are seeing?
- A response that spells out the suggested solution in a matter that most users (regardless of their technical savy) can understand - rather than a very technical reference that some users would scratch their head reading?
Do you enjoy reading posts with rants, or raves and those speaking down to other users who are trying to help at their level of ability?
Do you learn anything by reading other user's posts/answers and permit the forums to be a learning experience, or do you just post your questions and read nothing else?
Thanks in advance to all who respond and if anyone wants to add questions to be answered by other users - feel free to do so.