iapp 2313 query

I've been using NIS since AtGuard days and now I need it more because I'm using an unsecure multi-router network. Anyway, I've had multiple entries regarding incoming bootps 67 and I read an old post where someone had responded that this is normal. I want to correct that statement: it is not normal. You are normally not running a server (software or hardware that is designed to solicit and accept incoming requests and responses.) A home network utilizing internet should not be receiving such packets. I am still using WinXP and I have located the culprit (in my case) - ipv6. After uninstalling ipv6, the packets stopped coming and now my connection is faster and more stable. Just a tip for those out there with the same issue. Try removing Microsoft ipv6 and also be sure to disable file sharing and client for microsoft networks (especially if you are not using a home network - connecting to internet does not require this idiotic file sharing feature of MS Windows.)


I'd like to see Symantec address mac address filtering. not seeking comments. yes, i know about spoofing. I'm using a hackers heaven for a network but mac filtering, in my opinion, should be a standard for even adaptors. Anyone know if newer versions of IS has this option? I'd like to block all traffic using a mac address not an ip (which can be dynamic thus, rendering this feature useless. Hence, mac filtering.)


now for a query:

I am seeing alot of iapp 2313 packets from this poorly configured network router. I figured out how to eliminate the bootps problems but now these packets are flooding my system every 5 minutes. Anyone know of a way to be ignored by this particular router? I block it always as not blocking greatly damages my connectivity.


thanks for any help.