ID Safe Settings missing 2 tabs

Hi, Along with other continuing issues since the latest NIS update, it’s been discovered that when opening ID Safe settings reveals 2 tabs missing, one for Proxy Settings and the other for About. So, something is clearly wrong with this latest update, as this is showing up on a brand new HP machine. The other issue of Norton not being able to communicate with FF 29 extensions to determine if they’re enabled/disabled is still there as well, with the message under ID Safe Settings, Browser Extensions: “Mozilla Firefox (default browser):status could not be determined”. Sure, may be not that big of a deal, “not an issue”, according to Norton support, but, with combined issues we’re having, not sure of the reliability of the product we’ve paid for here. Also, there continues to be this long stretch of time to see any resolution. Blame seems to be attempted to be put on Mozilla, but simply, I don’t see it, as all ran well while on FF 28, until the NIS update, then the Norton Toolbar and this new version ‘cloud’ Vault has made it frustrating and useless. Also interesting, seems to be all ‘OK’ on spouses comp; no freeze up, 2 missing tabs are there, status message says ‘OK’, so what’s going on Norton? This is on a brand new machine, brand new freshly installed NIS, brand new freshly installed FF, running on a brand new freshly installed Win7 comp, and as soon as ID Safe is logged into, there’s the remaining problem. The problem lies inside ID Safe with whatever happened when Norton updated NIS and brought on this new version of its Vault, not Mozilla Firefox. So Norton, all I can say is, after many days and many hours spent with you and support, get engineering involved and fix your product!