ID Safe v21 - A funny thing happened on the way to the websites today...

Okay ...


So I'm really trying to force myself to use the new v21 ID Safe.  Today I needed to add a new Login entry, which I tried to accomplish by:


Visited the website (Department of Motor Vehicles) that I needed to add:


Upon which ID Safe decided that it was good time to insert the login credentials for another website that it already had memorized...


The credentials it entered were for the California BOE (Board of Equalization) website:


Hmm, I thought - these sites are no where near alike, URL-wise.  So then I thought - I'll tell ID Safe to ignore this webpage and then I went ahead and entered the new credentials...


At which point I get the "Do you want to save this login" prompt from ID Safe.  Assuming at this point it would create a new login entry for the new (and unique URL), I thought sure - after all, it's always worked great in the past (before v21), so I selected Save...


Bad idea...


It nuked my BOE login and replaced the entry with the newly created credentials for the DMV website.


How the heck is it confusing the two, I wondered? The URLs are nothing alike...


So I thought - since ID Safe is (for some reason) incapable of correctly capturing and saving the new ID for this website, I'd try using the new ID Safe Applet to create the new login manually - but then a different disaster ensued...


I began creating the new login; Put in a unique identifier name; The website URL (which is unique, remember?); My chosen login ID for the website; My login password, Hit save, and I get this...




So I scratch my head and think to myself - Well it's not going to get the better of me - So I tried another way...


I exported the Safe content into CSV format and hand edited it to 1) correct the entry that ID Safe had broken, and 2) to add the new entry I needed - Then I re-imported the hand-modified content; which it brought it in without any complaints.  Piece of cake - Now I know what I'll have to do from now on in order to add a login, I suppose...Hmmm...


Holy guano Batman - First day that I try to seriously use this thing and this happens.


But there's more...


Now when I visit either of the sites (each with a unique URL, remember?) I'm prompted for which login to use (why?)...




Notice the URLs ... (no where near alike, right?)




Hopefully the new ID Safe won't decide to lump anything else together.


But now I'm wondering what other surprises may await me...





Edit - Some "bent" content redacted; other content lightened a bit... (sorry, but I was a tad peeved when I initially posted)