Identify Safe fails to log out after the time set at 15 minutes

This page has me totally confused. I was referred here by a Norton staff member after having posted in the Norton 360 ver thread. Sorry, but I don't even know what online vault is or means, but i am sure I don't use it, as the only place I ever access the Internet is on this computer. My problem is that Norton Identify Safe is frequently failing to log out after the time set at 15 minutes. The problem has arisen only since the recent update. Sure,  I did have to put in the NIS password more frequently immediately prior, but that was a small price to pay for the increased security provided. Now the logging out seems totally haphasard:  rarely 15 minutes;usually much longer; sometimes not at all. I think Symantec needs to explain what you mean by "interacts with the browser". Nowadays there are numerous sites like Facebook, Twitter and online news sites which require logging in, and which update regularly. Prior to the upgrade having these logged in did not affect the logging out of Identity Safe. I get the impression that this may no longer be the case. All I want to say is why did you muck around with something that wasn't broken. I might point out that the Norton Identity Safe was the one feature that specifically drew me to Norton as opposed to other security programs. I am not a happy little vegemite. I think you need to give users greater control of how these functions work.