We have NIS 2012 with Identity Safe installed on one of the desktops.
It has all accounts, and their usernames and passwords
We would like to take advantage of the free Identity Safe for online cloud access.
A few 'special' accounts and usernames/passwords would be removed and placed in that new portable account. It would be on a flash drive.
We have just established a new different “Norton Account” with a different email address and password.
But the two “Accounts” use the same password at, “Log in to Identity Safe”.
And they both show the exact same accounts and usernames/passwords.
When we add/delete an account from one, it does it to the other.
They seem locked together even though they are separate, “Norton Accounts”.
How do we separate them.
How do we get different, “Log in” passwords for the two,“Norton Accounts”.
And then, how do we send that new, “Norton Account” to the cloud.
Because of shared use of this computer, there will be times when the flash drive, and those 'special' accounts, would need to be accessed. Is that possible. Those 'special' accounts need to be completely separate and isolated and secure from the main “Norton Account”.
Many thanks to the knowing minds out there.