Identity Safe and Yahoo Mail - help

I'm trying to set up Identity Safe and it seems to work fine except for my Yahoo webmail account. I've tried putting it in using the Manage Logins item on the toolbar and just going to Yahoo and putting in my login info; either way, it doesn't seem to acknowledge that I'm using a login and doesn't ask about saving the data. Can anyone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong? Thanks.



Hi Warreni,


Welcome to Norton community


Could you provide following information to know more about the issue


Browser Type (IE/FF)with version,OS information,Product version (You can find it in Main UI->Support->About).


Are you facing the issue only with specific browser or common with all browser(IE/Chrome/FF)




This occurs with both IE and Firefox--I'm using version 8 for both. My IS version is I'm running Win 7 64-bit but also encountered the same problem on an XP machine (32 bit).



Hi warreni,


Thanks for reporting the issue and giving product details.


We will look into the issue.



