Identity Safe Cloud password suddenly stopped working

I've talked to and had live chats with support. I have logged into Identity Safe plenty of times without issue. There were issues with the IS itself, but not the login. All of the sudden, the cloud password stopped working. I never had a problem with it local. First, I was told to be patient, that updates were being done for my (a customer) benefit. Then I'm told the only option is to delete and re-install. I see that this has been a problem with MANY people. I'm not an idiot. When I had to add a stronger password when I switched to the cloud, I changed the first letter of my local password to a capital letter and added an exclamation point to the end. It's not complicated. Never had a problem with this when it was local. Again, I'm NOT the only person with this issue. Uninstalling and re-installing, thereby losing all my logins and passwords is NOT an option. Norton IS on the cloud CLEARLY has a problem, and I want a viable fix to this. Three weeks without being able to login into various sites has caused me great issues, both personally and business wise, and is not okay.